Elevate Your Parties with a Shuffleboard

Have you ever played shuffleboard? This game is great fun with a couple players or in larger group settings. Incorporate one of these tables into your game room and enjoy with friends and family. For those who are not familiar, here is an overview of shuffleboard.

How Long Has Shuffleboard Been Around?

Created in England in the 1400s, the original name given to what we now refer to as shuffleboard was shove-groat. Over time, the style of play and name continued to evolve—shovelboard to slidegroat and then shovelpenny.

Name of Stick in Shuffleboard

The name of the stick used in shuffleboard is the cue-stick. The cue-stick is used to push coloured disks down the court.

Length of a Shuffleboard Court

Shuffleboards occupy a fair amount of space. Official tournament shuffleboard tables are 22 feet in length. Standard shuffleboards used in homes, bars or game rooms vary in length from nine to 14 feet. The width of standard shuffleboard tables ranges from 16 to 20 inches, with a playing field height of 30 inches.

How to Play Shuffleboard

Shuffleboard can be played with two people or in larger groups, making it convenient for group gatherings–here are the rules for the game. If playing in larger groups, all individuals must be divided into two teams.

  • A foul line is created six feet from the far end of the table. To qualify for a point, disks must cross the foul line without falling off the table.
  • Opposing sides are both given four weighted disks, differentiated by distinct colours.
  • A coin toss is used to determine which side starts.
  • Teams alternate sliding their disks across the table until all disks have been cast. You can try to knock the opposing teams’ disks off the table or knock a teammate’s disks into a higher scoring area.
  • The team with disks furthest on the table score points. A disk hanging over the far end of the table scores four points. A disk crossing the far line, without hanging over the far end, scores three points. A disk crossing the nearer scoring line scores 2 points. A disk crossing the foul line (but no other lines) scores one point.
  • At this point, you retrieve the disks and start again. The side that won the last round starts the next one. The game can be played is normally played to 11, 15 or 21.

Shuffleboards come in a variety of styles. Click here for additional information on how to play.


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